mirror of https://github.com/ssut/payload-dumper-go.git synced 2024-05-13 19:19:11 +00:00

chore: working proto

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Suhun Han 2020-10-04 02:23:33 +09:00
commit 6b4c8bfec2
9 changed files with 2581 additions and 0 deletions

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README.md Normal file
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go.mod Normal file
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module github.com/ssut/payload-dumper-go
go 1.14
require (
github.com/dustin/go-humanize v1.0.0 // indirect
github.com/golang/protobuf v1.4.2
google.golang.org/protobuf v1.25.0

go.sum Normal file
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main.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
package main
import (
func extractPayloadBin(filename string) string {
zipReader, err := zip.OpenReader(filename)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Not a valid zip archive: %s\n", filename)
defer zipReader.Close()
for _, file := range zipReader.Reader.File {
if file.Name == "payload.bin" && file.UncompressedSize64 > 0 {
zippedFile, err := file.Open()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to read zipped file: %s\n", file.Name)
tempfile, err := ioutil.TempFile(os.TempDir(), "payload_*.bin")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to create a temp file located at %s\n", tempfile.Name())
defer tempfile.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(tempfile, zippedFile)
if err != nil {
return tempfile.Name()
return ""
func main() {
filename := os.Args[1]
if _, err := os.Stat(filename); os.IsNotExist(err) {
log.Fatalf("File does not exist: %s\n", filename)
payloadBin := filename
if strings.HasSuffix(filename, ".zip") {
fmt.Println("Please wait while extracting payload.bin from the archive.")
payloadBin = extractPayloadBin(filename)
if payloadBin == "" {
log.Fatal("Failed to extract payload.bin from the archive.")
fmt.Printf("payload.bin: %s\n", payloadBin)
payload := NewPayload(payloadBin)
if err := payload.Open(); err != nil {
func usage() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Usage: %s [inputfile]\n", os.Args[0])

payload.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
package main
import (
humanize "github.com/dustin/go-humanize"
// Payload is a new format for the Android OTA/Firmware update files since Android Oreo
type Payload struct {
Filename string
file *os.File
header *payloadHeader
deltaArchiveManifest *chromeos_update_engine.DeltaArchiveManifest
signatures *chromeos_update_engine.Signatures
metadataSize int64
dataOffset int64
const payloadHeaderMagic = "CrAU"
const brilloMajorPayloadVersion = 2
type payloadHeader struct {
Version uint64
ManifestLen uint64
MetadataSignatureLen uint32
Size uint64
payload *Payload
func (ph *payloadHeader) ReadFromPayload() error {
buf := make([]byte, 4)
if _, err := ph.payload.file.Read(buf); err != nil {
return err
if string(buf) != payloadHeaderMagic {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid payload magic: %s", buf)
// Read Version
buf = make([]byte, 8)
if _, err := ph.payload.file.Read(buf); err != nil {
return err
ph.Version = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(buf)
fmt.Printf("Payload Version: %d\n", ph.Version)
if ph.Version != brilloMajorPayloadVersion {
return fmt.Errorf("Unsupported payload version: %d", ph.Version)
// Read Manifest Len
buf = make([]byte, 8)
if _, err := ph.payload.file.Read(buf); err != nil {
return err
ph.ManifestLen = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(buf)
fmt.Printf("Payload Manifest Length: %d\n", ph.ManifestLen)
ph.Size = 24
// Read Manifest Signature Length
buf = make([]byte, 4)
if _, err := ph.payload.file.Read(buf); err != nil {
return err
ph.MetadataSignatureLen = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buf)
fmt.Printf("Payload Manifest Signature Length: %d\n", ph.MetadataSignatureLen)
return nil
// NewPayload creates a new Payload struct
func NewPayload(filename string) Payload {
payload := Payload{
Filename: filename,
return payload
// Open tries to open payload.bin file defined by Filename
func (p *Payload) Open() error {
file, err := os.Open(p.Filename)
if err != nil {
return err
p.file = file
return nil
func (p *Payload) readManifest() (*chromeos_update_engine.DeltaArchiveManifest, error) {
buf := make([]byte, p.header.ManifestLen)
if _, err := p.file.Read(buf); err != nil {
return nil, err
deltaArchiveManifest := &chromeos_update_engine.DeltaArchiveManifest{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(buf, deltaArchiveManifest); err != nil {
return nil, err
return deltaArchiveManifest, nil
func (p *Payload) readMetadataSignature() (*chromeos_update_engine.Signatures, error) {
if _, err := p.file.Seek(int64(p.header.Size+p.header.ManifestLen), 0); err != nil {
return nil, err
buf := make([]byte, p.header.MetadataSignatureLen)
if _, err := p.file.Read(buf); err != nil {
return nil, err
signatures := &chromeos_update_engine.Signatures{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(buf, signatures); err != nil {
return nil, err
return signatures, nil
func (p *Payload) Init() error {
// Read Header
p.header = &payloadHeader{
payload: p,
if err := p.header.ReadFromPayload(); err != nil {
return err
// Read Manifest
deltaArchiveManifest, err := p.readManifest()
if err != nil {
return err
p.deltaArchiveManifest = deltaArchiveManifest
// Read Signatures
signatures, err := p.readMetadataSignature()
if err != nil {
return err
p.signatures = signatures
// Update sizes
p.metadataSize = int64(p.header.Size + p.header.ManifestLen)
p.dataOffset = p.metadataSize + int64(p.header.MetadataSignatureLen)
fmt.Println("Found partitions:")
for i, partition := range p.deltaArchiveManifest.Partitions {
fmt.Printf("%s (%s)", partition.GetPartitionName(), humanize.Bytes(*partition.GetNewPartitionInfo().Size))
if i < len(deltaArchiveManifest.Partitions)-1 {
fmt.Printf(", ")
} else {
return nil

update_metadata.proto Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
// Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Update file format: An update file contains all the operations needed
// to update a system to a specific version. It can be a full payload which
// can update from any version, or a delta payload which can only update
// from a specific version.
// The update format is represented by this struct pseudocode:
// struct delta_update_file {
// char magic[4] = "CrAU";
// uint64 file_format_version; // payload major version
// uint64 manifest_size; // Size of protobuf DeltaArchiveManifest
// // Only present if format_version >= 2:
// uint32 metadata_signature_size;
// // The DeltaArchiveManifest protobuf serialized, not compressed.
// char manifest[manifest_size];
// // The signature of the metadata (from the beginning of the payload up to
// // this location, not including the signature itself). This is a serialized
// // Signatures message.
// char metadata_signature_message[metadata_signature_size];
// // Data blobs for files, no specific format. The specific offset
// // and length of each data blob is recorded in the DeltaArchiveManifest.
// struct {
// char data[];
// } blobs[];
// // The signature of the entire payload, everything up to this location,
// // except that metadata_signature_message is skipped to simplify signing
// // process. These two are not signed:
// uint64 payload_signatures_message_size;
// // This is a serialized Signatures message.
// char payload_signatures_message[payload_signatures_message_size];
// };
// The DeltaArchiveManifest protobuf is an ordered list of InstallOperation
// objects. These objects are stored in a linear array in the
// DeltaArchiveManifest. Each operation is applied in order by the client.
// The DeltaArchiveManifest also contains the initial and final
// checksums for the device.
// The client will perform each InstallOperation in order, beginning even
// before the entire delta file is downloaded (but after at least the
// protobuf is downloaded). The types of operations are explained:
// - REPLACE: Replace the dst_extents on the drive with the attached data,
// zero padding out to block size.
// - REPLACE_BZ: bzip2-uncompress the attached data and write it into
// dst_extents on the drive, zero padding to block size.
// - MOVE: Copy the data in src_extents to dst_extents. Extents may overlap,
// so it may be desirable to read all src_extents data into memory before
// writing it out. (deprecated)
// - SOURCE_COPY: Copy the data in src_extents in the old partition to
// dst_extents in the new partition. There's no overlapping of data because
// the extents are in different partitions.
// - BSDIFF: Read src_length bytes from src_extents into memory, perform
// bspatch with attached data, write new data to dst_extents, zero padding
// to block size. (deprecated)
// - SOURCE_BSDIFF: Read the data in src_extents in the old partition, perform
// bspatch with the attached data and write the new data to dst_extents in the
// new partition.
// - ZERO: Write zeros to the destination dst_extents.
// - DISCARD: Discard the destination dst_extents blocks on the physical medium.
// the data read from those blocks is undefined.
// - REPLACE_XZ: Replace the dst_extents with the contents of the attached
// xz file after decompression. The xz file should only use crc32 or no crc at
// all to be compatible with xz-embedded.
// - PUFFDIFF: Read the data in src_extents in the old partition, perform
// puffpatch with the attached data and write the new data to dst_extents in
// the new partition.
// The operations allowed in the payload (supported by the client) depend on the
// major and minor version. See InstallOperation.Type below for details.
syntax = "proto2";
package chromeos_update_engine;
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
// Data is packed into blocks on disk, always starting from the beginning
// of the block. If a file's data is too large for one block, it overflows
// into another block, which may or may not be the following block on the
// physical partition. An ordered list of extents is another
// representation of an ordered list of blocks. For example, a file stored
// in blocks 9, 10, 11, 2, 18, 12 (in that order) would be stored in
// extents { {9, 3}, {2, 1}, {18, 1}, {12, 1} } (in that order).
// In general, files are stored sequentially on disk, so it's more efficient
// to use extents to encode the block lists (this is effectively
// run-length encoding).
// A sentinel value (kuint64max) as the start block denotes a sparse-hole
// in a file whose block-length is specified by num_blocks.
message Extent {
optional uint64 start_block = 1;
optional uint64 num_blocks = 2;
// Signatures: Updates may be signed by the OS vendor. The client verifies
// an update's signature by hashing the entire download. The section of the
// download that contains the signature is at the end of the file, so when
// signing a file, only the part up to the signature part is signed.
// Then, the client looks inside the download's Signatures message for a
// Signature message that it knows how to handle. Generally, a client will
// only know how to handle one type of signature, but an update may contain
// many signatures to support many different types of client. Then client
// selects a Signature message and uses that, along with a known public key,
// to verify the download. The public key is expected to be part of the
// client.
message Signatures {
message Signature {
optional uint32 version = 1 [deprecated = true];
optional bytes data = 2;
// The DER encoded signature size of EC keys is nondeterministic for
// different input of sha256 hash. However, we need the size of the
// serialized signatures protobuf string to be fixed before signing;
// because this size is part of the content to be signed. Therefore, we
// always pad the signature data to the maximum possible signature size of
// a given key. And the payload verifier will truncate the signature to
// its correct size based on the value of |unpadded_signature_size|.
optional fixed32 unpadded_signature_size = 3;
repeated Signature signatures = 1;
message PartitionInfo {
optional uint64 size = 1;
optional bytes hash = 2;
// Describe an image we are based on in a human friendly way.
// Examples:
// dev-channel, x86-alex, 1.2.3, mp-v3
// nplusone-channel, x86-alex, 1.2.4, mp-v3, dev-channel, 1.2.3
// All fields will be set, if this message is present.
message ImageInfo {
optional string board = 1;
optional string key = 2;
optional string channel = 3;
optional string version = 4;
// If these values aren't present, they should be assumed to match
// the equivalent value above. They are normally only different for
// special image types such as nplusone images.
optional string build_channel = 5;
optional string build_version = 6;
message InstallOperation {
enum Type {
REPLACE = 0; // Replace destination extents w/ attached data.
REPLACE_BZ = 1; // Replace destination extents w/ attached bzipped data.
MOVE = 2 [deprecated = true]; // Move source extents to target extents.
BSDIFF = 3 [deprecated = true]; // The data is a bsdiff binary diff.
// On minor version 2 or newer, these operations are supported:
SOURCE_COPY = 4; // Copy from source to target partition
SOURCE_BSDIFF = 5; // Like BSDIFF, but read from source partition
// On minor version 3 or newer and on major version 2 or newer, these
// operations are supported:
REPLACE_XZ = 8; // Replace destination extents w/ attached xz data.
// On minor version 4 or newer, these operations are supported:
ZERO = 6; // Write zeros in the destination.
DISCARD = 7; // Discard the destination blocks, reading as undefined.
BROTLI_BSDIFF = 10; // Like SOURCE_BSDIFF, but compressed with brotli.
// On minor version 5 or newer, these operations are supported:
PUFFDIFF = 9; // The data is in puffdiff format.
required Type type = 1;
// Only minor version 6 or newer support 64 bits |data_offset| and
// |data_length|, older client will read them as uint32.
// The offset into the delta file (after the protobuf)
// where the data (if any) is stored
optional uint64 data_offset = 2;
// The length of the data in the delta file
optional uint64 data_length = 3;
// Ordered list of extents that are read from (if any) and written to.
repeated Extent src_extents = 4;
// Byte length of src, equal to the number of blocks in src_extents *
// block_size. It is used for BSDIFF and SOURCE_BSDIFF, because we need to
// pass that external program the number of bytes to read from the blocks we
// pass it. This is not used in any other operation.
optional uint64 src_length = 5;
repeated Extent dst_extents = 6;
// Byte length of dst, equal to the number of blocks in dst_extents *
// block_size. Used for BSDIFF and SOURCE_BSDIFF, but not in any other
// operation.
optional uint64 dst_length = 7;
// Optional SHA 256 hash of the blob associated with this operation.
// This is used as a primary validation for http-based downloads and
// as a defense-in-depth validation for https-based downloads. If
// the operation doesn't refer to any blob, this field will have
// zero bytes.
optional bytes data_sha256_hash = 8;
// Indicates the SHA 256 hash of the source data referenced in src_extents at
// the time of applying the operation. If present, the update_engine daemon
// MUST read and verify the source data before applying the operation.
optional bytes src_sha256_hash = 9;
// Hints to VAB snapshot to skip writing some blocks if these blocks are
// identical to the ones on the source image. The src & dst extents for each
// CowMergeOperation should be contiguous, and they're a subset of an OTA
// InstallOperation.
// During merge time, we need to follow the pre-computed sequence to avoid
// read after write, similar to the inplace update schema.
message CowMergeOperation {
enum Type {
COW_COPY = 0; // identical blocks
optional Type type = 1;
optional Extent src_extent = 2;
optional Extent dst_extent = 3;
// Describes the update to apply to a single partition.
message PartitionUpdate {
// A platform-specific name to identify the partition set being updated. For
// example, in Chrome OS this could be "ROOT" or "KERNEL".
required string partition_name = 1;
// Whether this partition carries a filesystem with post-install program that
// must be run to finalize the update process. See also |postinstall_path| and
// |filesystem_type|.
optional bool run_postinstall = 2;
// The path of the executable program to run during the post-install step,
// relative to the root of this filesystem. If not set, the default "postinst"
// will be used. This setting is only used when |run_postinstall| is set and
// true.
optional string postinstall_path = 3;
// The filesystem type as passed to the mount(2) syscall when mounting the new
// filesystem to run the post-install program. If not set, a fixed list of
// filesystems will be attempted. This setting is only used if
// |run_postinstall| is set and true.
optional string filesystem_type = 4;
// If present, a list of signatures of the new_partition_info.hash signed with
// different keys. If the update_engine daemon requires vendor-signed images
// and has its public key installed, one of the signatures should be valid
// for /postinstall to run.
repeated Signatures.Signature new_partition_signature = 5;
optional PartitionInfo old_partition_info = 6;
optional PartitionInfo new_partition_info = 7;
// The list of operations to be performed to apply this PartitionUpdate. The
// associated operation blobs (in operations[i].data_offset, data_length)
// should be stored contiguously and in the same order.
repeated InstallOperation operations = 8;
// Whether a failure in the postinstall step for this partition should be
// ignored.
optional bool postinstall_optional = 9;
// On minor version 6 or newer, these fields are supported:
// The extent for data covered by verity hash tree.
optional Extent hash_tree_data_extent = 10;
// The extent to store verity hash tree.
optional Extent hash_tree_extent = 11;
// The hash algorithm used in verity hash tree.
optional string hash_tree_algorithm = 12;
// The salt used for verity hash tree.
optional bytes hash_tree_salt = 13;
// The extent for data covered by FEC.
optional Extent fec_data_extent = 14;
// The extent to store FEC.
optional Extent fec_extent = 15;
// The number of FEC roots.
optional uint32 fec_roots = 16 [default = 2];
// Per-partition version used for downgrade detection, added
// as an effort to support partial updates. For most partitions,
// this is the build timestamp.
optional string version = 17;
// A sorted list of CowMergeOperation. When writing cow, we can choose to
// skip writing the raw bytes for these extents. During snapshot merge, the
// bytes will read from the source partitions instead.
repeated CowMergeOperation merge_operations = 18;
message DynamicPartitionGroup {
// Name of the group.
required string name = 1;
// Maximum size of the group. The sum of sizes of all partitions in the group
// must not exceed the maximum size of the group.
optional uint64 size = 2;
// A list of partitions that belong to the group.
repeated string partition_names = 3;
// Metadata related to all dynamic partitions.
message DynamicPartitionMetadata {
// All updatable groups present in |partitions| of this DeltaArchiveManifest.
// - If an updatable group is on the device but not in the manifest, it is
// not updated. Hence, the group will not be resized, and partitions cannot
// be added to or removed from the group.
// - If an updatable group is in the manifest but not on the device, the group
// is added to the device.
repeated DynamicPartitionGroup groups = 1;
// Whether dynamic partitions have snapshots during the update. If this is
// set to true, the update_engine daemon creates snapshots for all dynamic
// partitions if possible. If this is unset, the update_engine daemon MUST
// NOT create snapshots for dynamic partitions.
optional bool snapshot_enabled = 2;
message DeltaArchiveManifest {
// Only present in major version = 1. List of install operations for the
// kernel and rootfs partitions. For major version = 2 see the |partitions|
// field.
repeated InstallOperation install_operations = 1 [deprecated = true];
repeated InstallOperation kernel_install_operations = 2 [deprecated = true];
// (At time of writing) usually 4096
optional uint32 block_size = 3 [default = 4096];
// If signatures are present, the offset into the blobs, generally
// tacked onto the end of the file, and the length. We use an offset
// rather than a bool to allow for more flexibility in future file formats.
// If either is absent, it means signatures aren't supported in this
// file.
optional uint64 signatures_offset = 4;
optional uint64 signatures_size = 5;
// Only present in major version = 1. Partition metadata used to validate the
// update. For major version = 2 see the |partitions| field.
optional PartitionInfo old_kernel_info = 6 [deprecated = true];
optional PartitionInfo new_kernel_info = 7 [deprecated = true];
optional PartitionInfo old_rootfs_info = 8 [deprecated = true];
optional PartitionInfo new_rootfs_info = 9 [deprecated = true];
// old_image_info will only be present for delta images.
optional ImageInfo old_image_info = 10;
optional ImageInfo new_image_info = 11;
// The minor version, also referred as "delta version", of the payload.
// Minor version 0 is full payload, everything else is delta payload.
optional uint32 minor_version = 12 [default = 0];
// Only present in major version >= 2. List of partitions that will be
// updated, in the order they will be updated. This field replaces the
// |install_operations|, |kernel_install_operations| and the
// |{old,new}_{kernel,rootfs}_info| fields used in major version = 1. This
// array can have more than two partitions if needed, and they are identified
// by the partition name.
repeated PartitionUpdate partitions = 13;
// The maximum timestamp of the OS allowed to apply this payload.
// Can be used to prevent downgrading the OS.
optional int64 max_timestamp = 14;
// Metadata related to all dynamic partitions.
optional DynamicPartitionMetadata dynamic_partition_metadata = 15;
// If the payload only updates a subset of partitions on the device.
optional bool partial_update = 16;