// Copyright 2020 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package print import ( "fmt" "os" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter" ) // table provides infrastructure to easily print (sorted) lists in different formats type table struct { headers []string values [][]string sortDesc bool // used internally by sortable interface sortColumn uint // ↑ } // printable can be implemented for structs to put fields dynamically into a table type printable interface { FormatField(field string, machineReadable bool) string } // high level api to print a table of items with dynamic fields func tableFromItems(fields []string, values []printable, machineReadable bool) table { t := table{headers: fields} for _, v := range values { row := make([]string, len(fields)) for i, f := range fields { row[i] = v.FormatField(f, machineReadable) } t.addRowSlice(row) } return t } func tableWithHeader(header ...string) table { return table{headers: header} } // it's the callers responsibility to ensure row length is equal to header length! func (t *table) addRow(row ...string) { t.addRowSlice(row) } // it's the callers responsibility to ensure row length is equal to header length! func (t *table) addRowSlice(row []string) { t.values = append(t.values, row) } func (t *table) sort(column uint, desc bool) { t.sortColumn = column t.sortDesc = desc sort.Stable(t) // stable to allow multiple calls to sort } // sortable interface func (t table) Len() int { return len(t.values) } func (t table) Swap(i, j int) { t.values[i], t.values[j] = t.values[j], t.values[i] } func (t table) Less(i, j int) bool { const column = 0 if t.sortDesc { i, j = j, i } return t.values[i][t.sortColumn] < t.values[j][t.sortColumn] } func (t *table) print(output string) { switch output { case "", "table": outputtable(t.headers, t.values) case "csv": outputdsv(t.headers, t.values, ",") case "simple": outputsimple(t.headers, t.values) case "tsv": outputdsv(t.headers, t.values, "\t") case "yml", "yaml": outputyaml(t.headers, t.values) default: fmt.Printf("unknown output type '" + output + "', available types are:\n- csv: comma-separated values\n- simple: space-separated values\n- table: auto-aligned table format (default)\n- tsv: tab-separated values\n- yaml: YAML format\n") } } // outputtable prints structured data as table func outputtable(headers []string, values [][]string) { table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout) if len(headers) > 0 { table.SetHeader(headers) } for _, value := range values { table.Append(value) } table.Render() } // outputsimple prints structured data as space delimited value func outputsimple(headers []string, values [][]string) { for _, value := range values { fmt.Printf(strings.Join(value, " ")) fmt.Printf("\n") } } // outputdsv prints structured data as delimiter separated value format func outputdsv(headers []string, values [][]string, delimiterOpt ...string) { delimiter := "," if len(delimiterOpt) > 0 { delimiter = delimiterOpt[0] } fmt.Println("\"" + strings.Join(headers, "\""+delimiter+"\"") + "\"") for _, value := range values { fmt.Printf("\"") fmt.Printf(strings.Join(value, "\""+delimiter+"\"")) fmt.Printf("\"") fmt.Printf("\n") } } // outputyaml prints structured data as yaml func outputyaml(headers []string, values [][]string) { for _, value := range values { fmt.Println("-") for j, val := range value { intVal, _ := strconv.Atoi(val) if strconv.Itoa(intVal) == val { fmt.Printf(" %s: %s\n", headers[j], val) } else { fmt.Printf(" %s: '%s'\n", headers[j], val) } } } } func isMachineReadable(outputFormat string) bool { switch outputFormat { case "yml", "yaml", "csv": return true } return false }